
Presentations at the SMIRT conferences in Berlin, San Francisco, London and Stuttgart on current topics of pipeline calculations under extreme dynamic loads (earthquakes, plane crash accidents and unusual operational incidents) of nuclear power plants, as well as for program development of the FEM-program KWUROHR


VDEW meeting in Zirl (Austria), 1980; shaft vibrations and forces discharges into the building, and the corresponding monitoring equipment on the machine sets and Kühtai Silz; HJ. Schmid


ASCE Spring Convention in Las Vegas (USA), 1982, Seismic Evaluation of Electrical Switch Yards for the City of Innsbruck; D. Rea, H. Landa, HJ. Schmid


VDI conference in Hamburg (Germany), 1985, The dynamic behavior and control of water power machine sets HJ. Schmid


VEÖ meeting in Vienna (Austria), 1986; Experience with Vibration measuring systems at Sellrain-Silz; HJ. Schmid, R. Ziegler


Lecture at the University of Innsbruck (Austria), 1987, Studies on the seismic safety of Electrical Switch Yards in the area of Innsbruck and surroundings; HJ. Schmid


IAHR conference in Trondheim (Norway), 1988, Investigations on the dynamic behavior of large Hydro-Power Machines; HJ. Schmid


Vibration Conference in Stockholm (Sweden), 1988; Machine vibration monitoring systems in hydro-power plants; HJ. Schmid


International Pumped Storage Conference in London (United Kingdom), 1990; lay-out criteria, in situ tests and operational experience of the Kühtai pump-turbine groups; HJ. Schmid, R. Erlach


SIXTH DANUBIA - ADRIA SYMPOSIUM in Moesern (Austria), 1991; Correlative measurements of hydraulic machines; HJ. Schmid


Vibration of the Seminar SCHENCK company in Schluchseewerk (Germany), 1991; vibration measurements of hydraulic power machines; HJ. Schmid


International Hydropower Conference in Vienna (Austria), 1992; diagnostic methods for condition assessment and fault diagnosis of hydraulic machines with the help of Vibration measuring; HJ. Schmid


VDEW meeting in Ravensburg (Germany), 1993; vibration measurements in the pumping station Kleinvermunt the Illwerke; HJ. Schmid, G. Giersig


Vibration Conference of SCHENCK and ISTEC companies in Willingen (Germany), 1995, The use of monitoring and diagnostic systems in hydroelectric power plants as strategic building elements for future maintenance concepts; HJ. Schmid


IMechE International Conference : Vibrations in rotating machinery, Oxford (United Kingdom), 1996; Hydrodynamically coupled mass on a turbine runner; HJ. Schmid, R.H. Scanlan


RUPLAN - User Conference in Wiesbaden (Germany), 1996; RUPLAN - Use in TIWAG - Past developments and future strategies; HJ. Schmid


ÖIAV and IWI, lecture at the University of Innsbruck (Austria), 1999, New methods for monitoring vibration in hydroelectric power plants; HJ. Schmid, R. Ziegler


Seminar for hydropower; VEAG (Markersbach, Germany), 1999; procedure in connection with a crack detection of a generator-shaft flange; HJ. Schmid, O. Schueller, Rainer E. 


Wiener Dynamiktage (2016): Study on seismic saftey of the Transalpine Oilline in Austria; HJ. Schmid, Andreas Bilak


Andritz Hydro Customer Day (Ravensburg 2018): Noise Emissions from Hydroelectric Power Plants; HJ. Schmid


Verbund Gesellschaft APG (Wien 2018): Earthquake Safety of High Voltage Sites; HJ. Schmid, Rainer Flesch, Marian Ralbovsky